Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Life According to Instagram

I'm bad at keeping up on this blog. Mostly because all I do these days is work, take classes, sleep, lather, rinse, repeat...That and blogger doesn't have a phone app so I actually have to sit down at home to update and I just don't get that chance. Let me catch you up on what we have been up to via all of the photos I have taken with my handy dandy Instagram app. If you haven't used this FREE app yet it's time to jump on the bandwagon.

We met Great- grandma

 We went on an eleven hour road trip.

We ate Pasteles (thanks Nina! Be back in November for more!)

 We sat in our Bumbo.

We helped Daddy drive on that eleven hour road trip (not really. We were parked-don't call CPS)

We ate waffles on the floor of our hotel room.

We napped in grass at the ranch.

We played with Grandma Johnson.

We hung out with uncle Eric.

We hit a bat on the way home from Oregon.

We hung out in hammocks.

We got cuter.

And even cuter!

We grabbed toys.

We hung out on our (faux) fur rug.

We woke up happy and posed.

We slept in only diapers during the heat wave.

We got our hairs cut because we looked crazy.

We bonded with Daddy (He's Jags favorite now).

We tried to eat a bird.

We became pro at bouncing in our jumper.

We started solids.

We wore a wolf on our head.

We started sleeping in corners.

We, freakishly, got even cuter!

We wore a hood while we drooled.

We wore a beenie with a brim.

We ate Daddy's blanket 
while watching age inappropriate cartoons- Thanks Dad!

We finally updated the family blog. 
Hopefully I will get better at this after my classes are done.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life with Jag

Life has been different since Jag's arrival to say the least. This little boy sure is a handful. He is funny, mischievous (yes, our newborn is a trouble maker), opinionated, and stubborn...I guess he really is our kid! When we have little chats with him in the morning he smiles and coos and arches his eyebrows in response. He likes to smile and squawk when Craig says funny things about me. He yells and bats his hand at my face when he wants eye contact and my attention is somewhere else. 

This little guy may be all smiles in the morning (he gets that from Craig-I'm pretty much evil in the morning), but he has plenty of what we refer to as "Jag Rage"...and let me tell you this kid can scream!

 Along with the screaming comes some pretty funny faces...

and some really sweet moments...

and of course some fun!

See those gloves on his mitts? Those are our only line of defense against his Freddy Krueger  hands! There is no clipping or filing his nails and when he gets angry and starts flailing no one is safe from those things (not even himself)! As hard as this past month has been, I am already dreading having to go back to work in the fall.  I love being this little man's momma and I don't want to miss a moment! I mean he is only six weeks old and he is already trying to roll over (he can quite figure out how to get the shoulders over yet), I can't even begin to imagine how much he is going to learn in the next 11 months! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Thar She Blows! AKA: The Rise of the Jagger-naught.

The past three weeks have been crazy! Let me start at the beginning...on May 17th at 3 am I started feeling contractions. I didn't get too concerned about them because I was scheduled for an induction at 8 am anyway. Craig and I woke up that morning and I made breakfast and we were on our way to the hospital!

We arrived at the hospital to find out that I didn't need to be induced at all because I was already well into my labor. I was progressing fast and we were all sure that our little boy would make his appearance by lunchtime...we would soon find out that this just isn't our boy's style. 

After fourteen hours of labor ( four of which were spent pushing) , our doctor decided that we needed an emergency c section. I won't go into details because I want to keep this post about the happiness that is our little one, but I will say that it wasn't the best experience of my life, and certainly not the beautiful labor and delivery I had imagined and hoped for. At nearly 10 pm our little Jagger came into this world and was quickly whisked away to the NICU. I didn't get to see him until the next morning and while I was happy he was stable and thought he was amazing-it was also not the meeting that I had imagined happening between me and my sweet boy.

I was discharged on Friday, but we had to leave Jag in the NICU. It was the hardest goodbye I have ever experienced and I never want to relive it. Fortunately, our little guy is strong and got well incredibly quickly! He was off oxygen, IV, and eating real food within a couple of days and we were basically just waiting on him to finish his run of antibiotics. He came home with us the next Tuesday at the ripe old age of one week. Here he is all ready for his first car ride!

I have to say that Jag took it easy on us the first couple of days, but all of that soon changed. This guy has attitude! However, he is also super sweet and has the most entertaining facial expressions! He locks onto things and just stares as he considers them. There have been so many new experiences over the two weeks we have had him home that I have been trying to write them down so that I can remember and tell Jag about them some day. He is already changing so much! I am also taking daily pictures of him so that I can commemorate his first year of life. One of the things I am most sad about is that there aren't more pictures of my childhood. I don't want that to happen with Jag. Here are some of my favorite photos so far.

As we speak he is being a little angel and sleeping on my lap while holding on to my thumb. It is these moments that I look forward to everyday and which get me through the not so fun Jag moments-and in the past two days there have been a few of these moments...

Thursday, May 12, 2011


At almost 39 weeks pregnant I look like this:

Yeah, I'm a zeppelin over here. However- I did get my hair cut off so I'm guessing I've lost a couple of pounds (humor me). As big as I am I have been feeling pretty crappy lately. Here is a photo of my sweet puppy Dax doing his imitation of me

I have a fabulous video of Craig doing his impression of the baby in my belly, but at the very beginning of the video I actually tell him that I'm not going to post it anywhere...after much consideration I figured I should honor that promise. I won't post it (trust me I am tempted), but I'm happy to show it to anyone who comes to visit the baby when he gets here...I love a good loophole in a verbal agreement!

Speaking of the arrival of Baby J. The doctor has decided that they will induce me next Tuesday morning if our little guy hasn't decided to make an appearance on his own before then. I am so excited! Somehow the prospect of excruciating pain means nothing when the tradeoff is getting to eat what I want and sleep on my stomach once it is over...oh yeah, I'm excited about the kid too.

In all seriousness I can't wait to meet our little man. Last night as we sat watching tv with the pups all I could think about was how by this time next week we will all be home together as a family! Hopefully next time I post it will be with adorable pics of Baby J!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Almost a Year Later!

So yeah...I'm a slacker. I haven't updated this thing in almost a year, and shame on me because there has been so much going on!

First of all I started working at a new high school and co-coaching a bunch of wonderful cheerleaders! Here are some pictures from the beginning of the year!

The Freshmen

Some CHS cupcakes I made for our beginning of the year party...yum!

Not too long after the start of the school year this happened...

Yep, I took too just to be sure. Then I got to come home to this surprise...

That husband of mine can be really cute sometimes!

Here are some photos of the evolution of my belly throughout this process...

Very early on...I miss how thin I was 

Getting ready for a football game...I was puffing out my belly for the picture

 A little pooch, but still not much. THEN while on winter break in DC I popped!

I'm just downright huge as this was taken a month ago or so.

This pregnancy has been a roller coaster ride. It started out pretty easily and then in early March I started feeling not so well and the doctor ran some tests- turns out I have gestational diabetes. Not only that, but I have a REALLY bad case of gestational diabetes. So bad in fact that the day I met with the specialist he admitted me to the hospital and I have been on bed rest ever since. I'm greatful that I was only in the hospital for a little over 24 hours, but since returning home my days have been filled with medications, taking my blood sugars, and giving myself insulin shots- not fun! Not to mention the very limited selection of foods I am allowed to eat. The good news is that now we have reached 38 weeks and our little guy is totally healthy (although at the high end of normal in size). This is a HUGE improvement because the day I was admitted to the hospital the doctor told us that our little boy was in the 98th percentile...basically, he was the size of a Tongan baby! This was dangerous because his size and fluid levels were tricking my body into thinking it was time for him to come and sending me into preterm labor. If they hadn't caught it he may have come long before his lungs were ready in addition to a whole list of other problems. Thankfully, remaining dedicated to the doctors orders turned has made all of the difference! Now he is a totally healthy boy and we are anxiously waiting for him to make his appearance.

In the meantime, I was taken off of bed rest last week and Craig and I kicked it into high gear trying to prepare for this little guy to come. This meant a shopping spree for baby stuff! We had a list a mile long and Craig was such a good sport through it all- if you know the bandito (or pretty much any guy) you are probably aware that he he doesn't do too well on shopping trips; however, we shopped for two whole days and not only did he never complain, he also came home on both days and unpacked and put together all of our loot. 

Craig found these awesome bike helmet at Target! They had lizards all sorts of animals on them. Craig is wearing the gorilla one here. We didn't buy any, but they were fun to try on!

We now have everything we need for this little dude, we just need to set up the nursery. I will post pictures of our haul as  soon as we get his room ready.

Wow, that was such a long post and I never even got to our DC trip over the holidays! Next time!